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ORS Programme of Events

Oxfordshire Railway Society meets on the second Monday of the month (except July and August) at Kidlington Baptist Church, Oxford starting at 7.00pm (not 7.30 as previous years). At each meeting there is a talk or slide show with light refreshments in the interval. Typically each meeting lasts about 2½ hours.



Jan 8 Delivering Crossrail
Richard Storer
Feb 12 Photo Comp, AGM, Members presentations  
Mar 11 Oxford to Banbury (including associated branch lines) Laurence Waters
Apr 8 Steam in India, Metre Gauge memories Jeff Warren
May 13

Building Bristol & South Wales direct line 1908

The Great Western Society - the first 10 years

(original speaker postponed)

Alan Price

Jun 10 Diesels and Electrics in Mainland Europe Part 2
Howard Quayle
Sep 9 Great Marlow Railway 150th Anniversary
Mike Walker
Oct 14 East West Rail - Delivering East West Rail
Nov 11 Shipton on Cherwell Accident 1874
Peter Webber
Dec 9 Bumper annual film show
Michael Clemens

Visitors are always welcome.
The cost of an individual meeting is £4 except in December
when the cost is £5
to include seasonal refreshments.

There is ample parking on site.

Forthcoming Trips

If you have any ideas for other forthcoming trips, please contact a member of the committee

Previous Trips Reports


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